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Author Topic: Welcome to the General Discussion Forum
Posts: 12
Post Welcome to the General Discussion Forum
on: September 20, 2012, 03:22

Feel free to post anything here that doesn't fit into any other forums.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Welcome to the General Discussion Forum
on: October 23, 2012, 21:29

It is great to have a dedicated website builder/manager undertake the laudable task of collecting ham radio information for the Arkansas and wider ham community. To that end, I suggest that radio amateurs consider sending their compilations of nets, repeater listings, and hardware/software reviews along to David W5MZ, the webmaster, for inclusion in this fine website.

Posts: 12
Post Re: Welcome to the General Discussion Forum
on: October 23, 2012, 21:44

Thanks Rich! You have quite a good compilation of nets. I'll be including them on the nets section as soon as I get finished with the new sections I was working on. I really appreciate the contribution. It will certainly enhance our offerings here. I see more than a few I'll probably have to check into myself. It's really coming together! With you're help and others we will turn this into something very useful.

They can be viewed now on the comments section of the Repeater page.

Thanks again!

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Sabbatical away from the Whack-a-Mole of technology

So many things have broken over the last six months that there is very little left intact. Since spring there have been a long string of power surges, lightning strikes, wind damage, and magic smoke leaving nearly every device. By the time one thing was fixed and operation another event would break three more things. As if there were not enough issues, a fallen tree took out the antennas for the shack. The last of the base radios failed early this fall.

I’ve removed the blown up equipment and supporting wiring. I lack the time and energy to rebuild what was a decade in the making. I’m going quiet for a while. I may well be back at some point, but that is far enough down the road not to be in sight.

Due to aging hardware and software in the data center this site cannot be upgraded without a complete start from scratch, and an upgrade is required to get it to run on modern software. As bad as the whack-a-mole with the radio and power systems was, the digital side of things has been an even bigger handful.

I am going to archive this site into cold storage for another day where I might be able to pull a magic rabbit with a quick fix, but don’t look for it soon. If you want anything that is on the site I’d suggest downloading it very soon. Nothing will be erased, and it may even return sometime between later and when pigs take flight.

In the ways that matter things are fine, so don’t worry be happy… I’m also shutting down the last of the online projects as soon as a graceful exit presents. It is time for a long sabbatical to examine the insides of my eyelids and recharge.

de w5mz QRT

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